HomeNewsIsland & CoastBoating BC urging safety ahead of Canada Day Weekend

Boating BC urging safety ahead of Canada Day Weekend

Boaters are being encouraged to enjoy the waters this weekend but to do so in a safe manner. 

Boating BC wants everyone to have a safe and enjoyable weekend on the waters, whether that be new or experienced boaters. 

Executive Director of Boating BC Bruce Hayne said recreational boating hits a peak in the summer months with many who may not be caught up on the rules. 

“British Columbia boasts some of the world’s most magnificent waterways, but while the focus should be on having fun and relaxing, there are underlying risks that demand prudence and common sense.” 

Boaters are recommended to have enough lifejackets for everyone on board, don’t drink or do drugs, making sure proper safety equipment is on board, take a boating course before heading out, and be aware of cold-water risks. 

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Water enthusiasts are also reminded about sharing the waterway with large and small recreational and commercial watercraft and to be considerate of others, pointing out a recent collision between a float plane and boater in Vancouver Harbour. 

While the emphasis is on boaters, any kind of water enjoyer planning on going out on the long weekend is encouraged to follow these rules so everyone can have a safe and enjoyable weekend. 

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